I'm excited and more than a little apprehensive about all the people who've told me they are looking forward to this story. The pressure's on...
Hmmm. Sue just said much the same thing. Don't let it get to you, girl. Heck, we are the ones who should be grateful that you are writing this story in the first place - writing it twice, now!

And like you just said, this premise was a challenge. Yes, I would have liked to see a 1960s kind of comic book Superman, the Curt Swan kind of Superman with the angel face, the Superman who lived in a perfectly clean and shiny sort of ideal society Utopia. Were things really like that back then? Were they that simple and perfect? No, they weren't, not the way I remember them. But the comic books sure were attractive.

But, like you said, DJ. If I'm so eager to have my nostalgic comic book Superman from the 1960s meet with Dean Cain's Superman and Brandon Routh's Superman, I should write the story myself. And so far, I'm not at all *that* eager.
