SuperGem, this question is for you... (or any others of you out there who have seen the movie enough to know laugh )

I know you've seen Superman Returns like, what, 10 times now?

Can you tell me, when Lois comes outside at the end, to smoke, and Jason says "goodnight" to Superman, is Lois in her pajamas? A robe? Clothes?

I wanted to say she had a delicate robe wrapped around her, but I just can't seem to remember. Can you help me out? I wrote this part way back at the beginning of my story, but I was going back over it tonight and decided to spiffy up a few parts and fix any boo-boos I found.

Oh - and did I get this quote right?:

<Richard’s a good man and you’ve been gone a long time.>

Let me know. Thanks!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.