Just a brief update for anyone who's interested in this story...

I'm up to 36 pages so far. I'm imagining it will be around 50 pages or so when finished.

It has of course taken a TOTALLY different turn from what I originally pictured... dang Muse, always running off on some tangent.

And it looks like I may have to post two versions of the story. There's one scene in the story that LabRat just wouldn't give me the green light on - no matter how much I edited it laugh To edit it down for PG, I lost the total cuteness and fun (and sexiness) of the scene.

LabRat said she really liked the scene though and that I should post a seperate version in nfic. So I probably will.

But it's still a ways off from being completed, and my beta is still backed up right now. So it'll be a while before it's posted.

Anyway, that's my update for now.

-- MR

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.