OK, I'll answer you all quickly. All this disscussion, I'll be very disapointed if nothing comes from it.

ccmalo: I like the idea of the same challenge with different characters. It could be really interesting. I do agree with most of your ideas about the movie characters, except Lois does admit it was the powers, not the man, that she loved.

Metro: The Mxyzplk idea is genius. But you said it was a villian unique to L&C. Mxy is in the comics too, so he's not purely a L&C villian. I did think of him but then thought it must be Tempus for that reason.

Classicalla: Having not seen the 50's series, I missed them all. Unfortunately. I'll have to look them up and then watch my Superman Returns DVD again.

TOC: I shouldn't have said that Loises are optional, but just to be less focused on.

Also just as a sidenote, any cameos by other people from the DCU would be great. Such as the main Clark (Dean Cain's Version) picking up Jack Nicolson's Joker for example.

Also an interesting question. Would the Kryptonite from one world effect other Supermen?