I had been saving this story to a usb jump drive and the drive went bad last night. I don't know what's wrong with it, it short-circuited or something. My computer doesn't recognize the drive any longer.

I've tried it in several different computers, to no avail. And other drives work in my USB port, so I know it's the drive.

Anyway, I hadn't backed the story up to my laptop. I didn't even think about my drive going back. So basically, this story is GONE. Yep, you heard me right, G O N E, gone.

(Unless someone out there knows how I can get the drive working again). There's a company out there that does data retrieval for just this sort of thing (or tries to repair the USB) but they want around $100 and sorry, the story isn't worth that...

So, I still have the idea in my head, and hopefully I'll get inspired at some point again to try it again, but right now I'm bumming big time. So depressed. I had 40 pages of this story written (and I lost another story as well that I had about 16 pages of).

Major, major bumming going on here...

whinging whinging whinging

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.