Wow, that's quite a strong censure of a suggestion in a vey tiny part of my post, Labrat.

Most of my post was about the interpretation of character.

What part of either of my posts are "disrespectful"? It was not my intent to be disrespectful but to discuss the interpretation of character.

But to address that very brief part of my previous post, when i said the 'off-topic' location was blurry, I meant just that - I can see both sides of the 'location' issue. In fact, I raised the crossover point (admittedly as a sentence fragment) My suggestion was a thought that flitted through my mind (and obviously a major error in my thinking process!). I don't really think it matters where the challenge goes, to tell the truth.

So I'm a little surprised that you would have interpreted my post to mean anything else and can only assume that you failed to notice the above line.
Anyway, I reread your post as you directed me to do.

I think what happened is not that i failed to see that line but that I interpreted the complete sentence in a way that was perhaps different from what you intended. (although, of course I don't know)
Here's the complete sentence:
While it is perfectly acceptable to debate these , it is not acceptable to suggest stories are not posted here because they do not suit your own personal likes and dislikes.
By 'are not posted' do you mean 'should not be posted'? I wasn't sure about what your intended meaning was there. Also, I wasn't sure what the main clause implied - did you mean references to ideas are forbidden on the mbs? But that seems contradictory to "story ideas", unless by "story" ideas, you just mean plot ideas. Did it mean discussion of characters in a larger context? (like feminism or whatever - e.g. truth, justice and the American way?) Does it mean that, in responding to fics, no discussion of personal tastes (eg. "i like a growly Clark") is allowed on these mbs? I think the double negative added to my confusion.

I think Jensguy's challenge with respect to CK/S is an interesting one. in fact, it would be intriguing to see some response fics that do the same with Lois. (and jimmy, but perhaps the eyes glaze over at this suggestion.)

Btw should i censor that last comment about Jimmy since it reflects my personal tatse with respect to Jimmy? But it could be an interesting discussion to hear why people have the attitudes to jimmy that they do.

As for my comment about the importance of Lois's character - surely that was a major premise of L & C:tNAoS? Nevertheless, nowhere have i objected to writing a story that dealt only with one main character. How could I since I have written one myself?
