In Swedish, the seven dwarves are - let's see if I remember them all - Kloker (that's Doc, and "klok" means wise, smart), Butter (that's Grumpy, and in Swedish "butter" means exactly that - the fatty stuff you get from milk and spread on sandwiches is called "smör"), Toker (that's Dopey, and "tokig" means, more or less, dopey), Trötter ("trött" means tired), Prosit (that's originally a Latin word, and in Swedish it's a friendly-funny word which you say when someone has sneezed), Blyger ("blyg" means bashful) and Glader ("glad" means, obviously, glad, or happy).

The -er ending in most of the names is an old Norse masculine suffix, not much used in Swedish today.

Thanks for telling me about the dwarves' names in English, DJ! smile And it's great to hear that you have written (re-written!) so much of your story already! clap
