Okay - stepping in here with my admin hat on.

We all have different preferences and different story tastes. While it is perfectly acceptable to debate these, it is not acceptable to suggest stories are not posted here because they do not suit your own personal likes and dislikes.

Jensguy's challenge is a crossover. It contains elements from LNC:TNAOS. It therefore fits the rules of this forum and anyone who takes up the challenge is more than welcome to post the results here.

And just to clarify very clearly - in case there is confusion - there is no requirement on this forum for every story posted to include Lois. Or Clark. Or Jimmy, Perry, or Lois's potted plant for that matter.

I have to agree that I don't see anything sexist - or even inconsiderate - about this challenge.

Naturally, when a poster issues a challenge, they're going to give the parameters that encourage the story they want to read at that particular time. Just because they may say that in this particluar story they don't want Jimmy included, doesn't make them a Jimmy hater. If they say they don't want strawberry jelly in it, it doesn't mean they despise jelly either. wink

It simply means that they have in mind a particular set of conditions to suit what they have in mind in one particular instance.

That's the nature of challenge fic.

So, please...let's respect the fact that we don't all see the characters the same way or like the same characters or want to read the same kinds of stories.

Good luck with the challenge. smile

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers