Darth Michael: I'm less than a month behind. hyper /looks at calender, hurries to finish today's FDK response/

Lois was finally able to reach Mrs. Cox on the phone later that morning.
ER: Why would she want to do that? Isn’t that right up there with touching Ralph?
LOIS: Yes.
EW: No, what I meant to say was that no matter how much Lois may dislike Mrs. Cox, she's still Lex's assistant and if he's in a medical facility somewhere, and nobody is answering Lex's home/private line, she may be the only way for Lois to find Lex.
LOIS: :rolleyes: Whatever. I still agree with Michael that it's up there with touching Ralph.

I think that should read ‘mistress’…
LOIS: Potato. Tomato.

Taking in lots of fluids to recover from the night of sex with Ari? Good thing Lois will never be this eager and willing or Lex would have himself an unholy Trifecta of mistresses.
LEX: [Linked Image] Foursome!
ARI: That's not what he said.
LEX: Foursome!
Dr. M: Mr. Luthor, you can't handle a foursome.
LOIS: Better make it just a threesome because I'm not coming.

Sometime later…
LEX: Mrs. Cox, Ms. Lane said that she called after I had been shot.
Mrs. Cox: Sir, I am afraid Ms. Lane is showing more and more signs of delusional behavior.
Yes, that sounds about accurate.

So, some flowers dusted with an assortment of bio-agents ranging from diarrhea to hemorrhagic fevers?
CLARK: hyper
SUPERMAN: /returns with neck to ankles flannel nightgown with matching PJ bottoms/

CARLOS: I’d recommend some more pre-marital counseling for those two. The groom clearly isn’t ready for a committed relationship.
But Clark and Lana have broken up.

although he never said it would be over a squid dinner.
ER: [thinks it means that Clark will get a clue][then remembers this is Clark] Nice one.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.