On the other hand, perhaps Lois was going about this investigation in the wrong manner.
I have to agree with that assessment.

That line had made him smile. If he had only known she was friends with him to bring him down for trying to kill Clark, she was sure the smile wouldn’t have been as big or smug.
But if he knew what she wanted, he would have no fear, because he could be on full guard.

In the end, she decided to keep it for one reason only… well, two reasons. Firstly, it was the only physical evidence she had that tied Lex directly to the person who was spying on her.
So she does have evidence against him.

Actually, he hadn’t spent any time with her in person.

She would angry as hell at him, but she would understand his absences.
It think that should be "would be angry." peep that I missed it before.

would that be hombre y amiga, being that I’m a woman?
If she wants equivalency it needs to be hombre y mujer.

About all I can say in the messages is that I hope Clark saved them so that he can listen to them again and maybe catch some important details he missed the first time.

John Pack Lambert