“There’s no need. We caught Finn, Clark. He’s in jail,” Lois reminded him. “I’m fine. You can stop playing bodyguard now.” She waved him off with a ‘shoo’ gesture.
But Finn was working for Trevino. Why would Trevino give up so easily, when they have the journal she wants?

“Good night, Clark,” she replied with a flash of either concern or surprise, or maybe a combination of both.
Lois: He is not supposed to give up on walking me home so easily.

Had he been coming on too strong lately?
No, I think he is giving up too quickly.

“And don’t be hanging around outside waiting for me.” Lois didn’t even look up when she said that last part.

How did she know he was going to do that?
Lois: I know you Chuck.

So, you lied about your past. Show me a man, and I’ll show you someone who’s lied about his past,”
Clark: I wish I coulod get some friends who believe me. OK, Martha and Jonathan do, but I am not sure I can get any more. It isn;t worth trying at this point.

Cat replied. “It’s your future that’s important, and Lois is your future, right?”
Clark: Not the way things are going.

He couldn’t tell the Kents either. How could he tell them that he was working on a way to rescue their true son, because if something happened and it didn’t work out, he didn’t want them to regret that he was the one who still remained. If it did work, none of them would remember him anyway.
I think he should tell them, they might be able to help him in some way.

“I can only wish…” he murmured, feeling guilty at the words the moment he spoke them. How could he wish that Lois wouldn’t be with the man with whom she belonged, the man who completed her, the man who would love her almost as much as Clark himself did, the man who would finally make Lois happy.
It might be more difficult to fix this than he realizes.

Clark sighed. The lava lamps, he had forgotten about them. He had been so hopeful that everything would turn out just right when he had bought them. Now, he knew their light would never glow.
He has really given up hope.

Lois set down the phone. Barbara Trevino had just threatened her. Not in so many words, but she sure had implied it. Moreover, Lois had just sent Clark home. Good going there, Lane. Not that she was scared. Of course not.
I had forgotten that this happened in the show as well. The Lois/Cat interchange about being scared was not till the next night though in the show.

Hmm, Lois seems to protest to much about not being scared.

Of course, if she had another reason to go to Clark’s besides needing his protection, she wouldn’t feel so weak about going there. She could tell Clark that was the reason… well, not in so many words… but it was a great excuse to go to Clark’s apartment.
So she is going to tell him he needs her protection? I am a bit confused.

She nodded as she started to pack her briefcase. Yes, she would go to Clark’s apartment. He would let her stay the night, right? Of course, he would. He’d have her move in, if he could. Moreover, while he was asleep, she would be able to search his apartment for clues on his identity.
smile1 hyper dance She is going to find the Supersuits. OK, maybe I should not jump to conclusions, but it would be so fun.

It wasn’t like she was going to get any sleep anyway. That would be the true reason for her going to Clark’s, not because she was scared, because she wasn’t scared.
Keep telling yourself that Lois, and maybe you will believe it.

John Pack Lambert