Hi Nick!

Nope. Actually, I hoped to make people think it could be Carrie, since, you know, but oh well.
Yeah, I missed that discussion on Discord.

Close, but not close enough.
Glad I could entertain with my guessing!

You don’t launch fireworks when there’s a dry season going on.

Really don't know how the weather in MP would be around that time...good question to consider.
Wet and snowy. But there’s all over the world and Australia doesn’t like bush fires for some reason. California, neither.

Well, both was dictated by the prompts, so..not helpful.

SAM: As a doctr, I have to help all those who are in need of one. You didn't know that?
Good point. Oh, look, Ellen just joined a baseball team based on her shopping list.

It is? Apparently, everyone thinks so. Granted, I didn't really think about the, ahem, implications, when I rolled up with that name.
COACH GAINES: What implications? X-K can't be aquired in small round balls!

Sometimes, you are too perceptive, and ruin your on fun discovering the story going forward.
Nah, I got plenty of fun even when I guess correctly.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
I was only joking! But Lois is known to be tad competitive from time to time!

Never make jokes about that in front of Lois. She will always hear you and act accordingly!
Good one!

Hey, did you just call me short? I will let you know that I'm a rather tall guy...which has it's pros and cons. As for the funny...well, I'm trying.

I don't know how that line-break happened, it was not intentional on my part. Hrm...weird.
Must have been a computer glitch during rendering.

LOIS: Rules are there to be...modified.
ME: Maybe. But I don't think I'm good at this, plus it would make guesisng harder if it's in another area. So, DEAL WITH IT!

LOIS: He /points at ER/ can deal with it just fine. But what about the lonely wife?

As I said...your precognition ability will be your doom one day.
Nah, hmm… Nostradamus lived to be just 63 years old. Although, in the late middle ages, that was not too shabby. And he’s still remembered to this day.

/decides to mentally edit ‘with’ to ‘in’/
Ah, English. Such a complicated language sometimes, isn't it?
/psst/ that was tongue in cheek about Lois and Clark and their activities in said car.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Wheeee, Lois is adorabs!
LOIS: It's just faster, and no need to search for a parking slot. THat's it, nothing else.
CLARK: If that's the case, why did your heartbeat just got faster?
LOIS: Shutup and fly!
I did mention the adorability of Lois.

DARKSEID: Don't you dare to bring up my name! There is no space in this fic for an earth conquest!
That is not what Michael was...ah, nevermind. I seriously didn't plan this to be so full of...ahem...steamy remakrs, but the characters had their own ideas, so...blame them?
Oh, that was legitimately funny. Hmm…/tries to remember/ did you do the Darkeid story a year or two ago? Also, you sure are doing a great funny! Could just be Darkseid, though.

Honestly, chances are high I picked that up somewhere while reading old L&C fics. Well, if it's ancient, I have to get it out of my vocabulary then.
Nah, leave it. It makes identifying stories easier wink

It surprises me how many in this FDK thread consider this worth of being a Queenfic. It's a great reward, really.
/shrugs/ It was just the right tough of quirky smile1

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
It’s beneath them.
And I always thought a football field was supposed to be an even place, at least if it's well taken car eof. But then again, we established I know nothing about FB, so...who knows.

Go away Lex, you were forbidden form this one per prompt!

If you go forward, you'll see that I don't, either.
A very wise man.

Originally Posted by Story
But Clark, this guy knows something, and I want to know it too!”
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Oh, very cute. But not queenstyle. The rest of the mischief I trust Mary to do, but completely changing her speech style… eehhh…

Oh nooo, and I almost had you...what, oh what, went wrong?
Mary got a very particular way to word things. Short and quippy. Very hard to describe, even harder to replicate. I tried and added tons of filler paragraphs and discovered hidden depths.

MISS LANE: I always had hidden depth. Mary just didn’t drag it out into the open for everyone to gawk at!

Oops, got me there I think. Honestly, I assume most people are using visual markers, underlining or whatever, but since that's not really a working option, this seems to be the easiest way to go for emphasis.
/takes note for the next GTA fic to not use that pattern again.../
Emphasis, the classic italics style is used for the most part. I have recently updated the markup to render italics and bold text with sematic markup. Screenreaders should pick up on it.

Oh drat! I'm sure I got that habit from other fics, too...Or not? Hrmpf! So, no frustrating situations for Lois for the next GTA! That's...quite a chalenge.
LOIS: Are you saying I have a temper??

Fascinating. I now wonder if I have been typing this one wrong.

Why are you even reading fic when you already know what will come next all the time anyways? Or is it me and I'm too obvious?
lol It’s fun to get confirmation. As for being too obvious. I would say, in character. It’s like Lois getting kidnapped when she’s on the hunt of a criminal or setting fire to her kitchen when she’s cooking. Some things are bound to happen.

PERRY: Darlin, Since I officially don't know Clark's secret identity, your claims about Superman's qualities in bed are not sufficiently confirmed and therefore can't be puslished on the People of Interest pages.

What can I say, L&C bante ris fun to write.
And read!

Urm, sorry not sorry? I honestly hae no clue what you could refer to there.
About the timezones. I read a summary of a fic where blatant disregard of timezones was openly stated. I tried to find it again in the various LnC-Kerth-related places but wasn’t successful during a quick hunt.

As for messing with the timezones..yeah, in hindsight, I realize i screwed up there, it should have been the other way around from Paris to Metropolis. Luckily, no one notices, it seems.
Yes, nothing see. Move it along.

I wanted a fluff enidng that also fits the tone so...there. Mission (hopefully) acomplishd.
It was!

It weren't all that much clues, so...that's a good thing, I assume.
Yeah, and I just re-googled: hrmpf really is German. Which means it’s down to us three and that explains why I was able to pinpoint the story. Once you drop that one, it’s much more difficult. Next one’s gonna be…fun?
Honestly, I'm not sure though if I can take the full credit for that, since I sent this over to Verity for technical editing before it got published. So, it might very well be the case she fixed some things here or there, I didn't make a word-by-word check on the published version to find out. (MAybe I should...)
Without knowing the outcome, I suggest you do, from a purely technical point of interest. Personally, I love learning about grammar stuff I need to watch out for and fix in my own stories.

As always, your FDK was hilarious to read as well as fun to answer! And I'm happy you enjoyed it.
I did and am glad I could give some fun back as payment!

wave Michael

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