I saved this one for last because I, like Lois, do not care for football. Five seconds of play to ten minutes of waiting around while they set up the next play? No thank you.
That said, I haven't been guessing because I haven't been on the boards long enough to really get a feel for everyone. But I will say (possibly to help others who are guessing) this feels to me like someone who is not from the US. Just a few football details that stood out as being off. Like the comment that this year's football season was in the winter. I'm pretty sure the football season is at the same time every year. I mean, the super bowl is always right at the start of February. High school and college football definitely always start in the fall. Pretty sure Professional does too. Also, i could be wrong cause I don't actually follow football, but I don't think they hold games on New Years Eve - Thanksgiving, yes but not New Years. And I can't see Smallville having a professional team. Other option would be college football but Smallville doesn't have a college so either way, they wouldn't have a team to play against Metropolis.
So yeah, all of these details make me think this author does not live in the States because they know less about football than I do - and I know very little.
Fun little story though. It's nice to see them as a married couple still bantering and loving each other the same as ever. Also love that the mystery remains completely unsolved.