To correct my earlier spelling: Hit me with your best shot!

Oh, well, you did anyway.

You gave them a very nice morning after in the beginning of the chapter. That was good of you, considering what you did at the end. evil !

Let's see what we have here.

Dr. Klyburn has stayed away from the piano long enough to analyze the chip from the blast that killed the DA. And that information is going to the police. Will it go where it needs to go?

Sean McCarthy is about to trigger another blast. Where? And who's the target?

Mayson's erratic behavior has caught the attention of police brass, but they're legally limited in what they can do. Legally, that is...

Ah. McCarthy's target - illegal workers and illicit drugs. You've shown us how a sociopath thinks, and he may have gone too far this time. Intergang will be after him. And Superman will save as many lives as he can.

Mayson's back out among sane citizens, and it's possible she'll blame Lois for everything that's going crazy in her world. It's certain she still thinks Lois tried to blow her to smithereens. She'll want payback now.

Superman to the rescue! Yay! And he's truly angry that McCarthy not only endangered innocents (illegals, yes, but they didn't sign up to be victims) of his revenge scheme. The mad bomber's days of freedom are numbered in the low double digits, if that many.

Jimmy's back, too! The fact that his mind is now clear gives us hope that Mayson can be helped effectively. Of course he's gonna bust his butt getting as much information to Clark and Lois as he can. And they'd better not let him near Rollie Vale when this is over.

But the second stalker (I still think it's unconscious Mayson) is still harassing her. Once can be ignored, twice can make you wary, a pattern of such acts will make you jumpy and cost you sleep and hinder clear thinking. Lois is close to that point now.

McCarthy has angered the head of Intergang, and it's going to be bloody. Will Bill Church's minions - or Superman - find McCarthy before he blows up CostCo's main office? Stay tuned!

Now Henderson's in play. He's enlisted Superman to be on the lookout for Mayson, and when he finds her she might be pointing a weapon at Lois. Doesn't bode well for her physical health.

STAR Labs is a player, too. How much you wanna bet they'll come up with a way to jam the transmissions to those microchips, maybe even override them? With Klyburn and Stone on the job, anything's possible.

McCarthy seems to have come unhinged, too. One man declaring war on a city? And expecting to survive? Dan Scardino to the rescue! (Bet no one ever wrote that before.)

And you leave us with Mayson armed and holding Lois and her police escort hostage. Great. I don't suppose you'll bring Zara and Ching into the picture now, will you? I'm not sure how else to stir up this cauldron of chaos.

And now I want the next chapter! Any time you're ready, Val! Bring it on! I'm more than ready! devilsplat

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing