My sincere apologies. I hadn't realized how long it had been since my last comment.

So. Chapter 17.

It's indeed a cruel irony that McCarthy observes his latest murder from the roof of the Daily Planet. So he got Clemmons but seems to have missed Mayson, if just barely. And now the late DA can't follow through on his threat to fire his insane, obsessed, monomaniacal ADA. I truly wonder if Mayson will blame Lois for her second near-death in this tale. Might McCarthy leave some evidence on that handy roof that would implicate Lois in this latest bombing?

I also wonder if Clemmons' death will remove one more impediment to Mayson's crusade against Lois. And if there is planted evidence on the Planet's roof, I wonder if Mayson will ignore logic and try to indict Lois for first degree murder.

Lois seems to have transitioned to full acceptance of the unity of Clark and Superman. I hope he shares the whole story of "too late" with her, whether before bed or in the morning before work. She needs to understand how personally he takes every unnecessary death. He needs the emotional release of telling someone and the unconditional support of someone who chooses to love him unreservedly.

And Bill Henderson is on the side of right in this tale, too, unless he's being really sneaky and perverse. But I don't see him warning Perry of Mayson's attempt to indict Lois on obstruction charges if he's not one of the good guys.

Ah. Now we see the linking of the bad guys, Rollie Vale, Sean McCarthy, Nigel St. John. They're working together, but not in harmony. There are fissures developing in that triumvirate of terror, and it's a sure bet that Lois and Clark will exploit them when they get the opportunity. And you've told us that, while Lois is still in mortal danger, it isn't an immediate threat to her, although she's going to see stalkers in the shower before this is over. You also told us that Albie Swanson is in immediate danger. I hope he has a deep hole nearby ready to be occupied at a moment's notice.

I'm looking for Clark and Lois and Bill Henderson to uncover some evidence that leads to our evil trio. Put pressure on them, and one of them (probably Vale) will make a series of serious mistakes and the entire conspiracy will fall apart like a watermelon at a Gallagher show. (Gallagher is a comic whose schtick is smashing watermelons and covering the front rows of the audience with wet debris. Google him.) Maybe the good guys will find where McCarthy is getting all those explosives. I'm pretty sure they're not available at the local Costco (not on the shelves, at least).

Still tense. Still taut. Still interesting. Keep them coming!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing