Ooh, another chapter! Sweet!

I'm glad Clark has his parents.

“Just be honest with her,” his mom added.

That's excellent advice, Martha.

“You two go head to head with a lot bigger issues on almost a weekly basis. I’m sure you can figure out how to talk to one another.”

Um - that's not such good advice. To Lois, the perception that Clark has been lying to her for so long will be the biggest issue in her mind. She's not going to listen to facts, reason, or clear explanations at that point. It will not be the tip of the iceberg, nor the part under the water - it will be the entire ice mass! Unless the revelation comes at or after a psyche-shaking event for Lois where her emotional energy is already spent, she's going to explode. The reason she didn't in the show is because when Clark came clean, she already knew. And she'd already worked through much of the emotional fallout after being thawed out when Clark wasn't in the same room with her. She just didn't realize that when she said "not now" to his proposal he'd hear "no" and nothing more.

I can see something similar happening here.

Mayson is definitely about to slide off the rails. I don't now how much longer it will be until her antipathy toward Lois - which now includes Clark - affects her professional judgement and damages her effectiveness as a prosecutor. She's going to morph from a crusader for justice to a vengeful harpy, screaming her pain out before the world and reaching to rend anyone and anything she thinks has injured her.

Lois is in trouble and doesn't know it yet.

The little bad guys tidbit was great. You hinted that Gomez got the pill without actually saying so. You also told us that McCarthy's pride has been dented, so Mayson is still in his bull's-eye. And Albie is still a whiny little lizard. But what dose for Gables was he talking about? Is it possible that Gables is an addict of some kind? That he's not really in control of this operation, as he obviously believes he is?

More, please. I'd like some more, ma'am.

As soon as possible.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing