Just read part 9. Nice step-down on the tension level. Let me step through my thoughts, in no particular order.

Bill Henderson is personally invested in finding Lois' stalker. Makes me wonder if he is now (or soon will be) willing to cut some corners to close this case. Nice to see him show some real care about Lois' privacy and sense of security.

From Part 7 (and it just now struck me) - Scardino returned fire at the shooter outside Mayson's apartment with a rifle? Where did he get that? A pistol can be concealed, but I don't think the biggest NBA players could conceal a rifle on their persons. Maybe he really had a large handgun?

Clark told her. He really told her! And he let her think he was kidding!! Oh, that's not gonna bite him in the posterior, not ever. I can't imagine Lois taking that well - unless, of course, she slowly reasons it out that he'd spoken the truth. Either way, will she be totally stunned? Will she be angry over his "deception?" Will she be devastated by her own blindness? Will she push him away? If so, for how long? Can I get ringside seats?

Mayson's getting worse. Whether she filleted Lois' wardrobe or not, her grasp on reality and her control of her emotions are both slipping away. Maybe she didn't Lizzie-Borden Lois' closet. Maybe there are two crazies out there gunning for Lois. Or did someone symbolically "kill" her clothes as a controlled, sane warning to back off the Resurrection pill story? Also, will Mayson be unable to get to Lois and try to take it out on Clark and shoot/stab/club/drop a piano on him and discover his secret? Will she be so insane by that time that no one believes her?

Lois is micrometers from telling Clark she loves him. She's convinced he loves her, and of course she's right. I only hope she tells him before she discovers/realizes/is firmly told that CK=SM.

Great tale. Lots of possible paths. A little frightening, actually. I'm still eager to see where this goes next.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing