This is getting scary.

I checked the end of 7 to see when Mayson caught the bullet in her knee (hmm, that sounds familiar somehow), and there's no real indication that she'd been hit. But it's perfectly reasonable to go from her apartment being sprayed with bullets to Daniel S. putting a pressure bandage on her knee. And she's really starting to lose contact with reality. "No, Superman, you can't fly me to the emergency room." "No, Lane, I don't want to work with you, despite your giving me a great lead." "No, I'm not going to pursue this evidence that I've been horrified was lost somehow." Even Scardino can see she's coming unwound.

Speaking of Dan-call-me-Daniel, he's not awed by Superman in the least. Interesting. Does that mean that he doesn't know that much about him, was totally distracted at the time, or knows a lot more than anyone else in this twisted tale? I noticed that Dan didn't consider Superman when he was mentally recounting his day among the crazy women of Metropolis.

Someone broke into Lois' closet and shredded all her semi-formal and formal clothing? That sounds like the work of a jealous woman to me - and one who's not totally sane. A man might attack her clothing, but he surely would widen his swath of shredding to include her underwear, assuming that wouldn't be his primary focus. Is it possible that Mayson is Lois' nemesis, that she's trying to sabotage Lois' relationship with Clark? These actions would fit the worldview of a woman with only forty-seven cards in her solitaire deck.

Clark needs to reveal himself to Lois now, like in the next 24 hours. Let her work through her shock and fury while he's protecting her. Let her see just how much he cares for her and what he'll sacrifice for her. Let her realize that he kept this knowledge from her for two reasons - first, to protect himself, and second, to protect her. As endangered a species as Lois Lane seems to be in this tale, how many more knives would be pointed a her if it got out that she knew Superman's secret?

More tension than a reader can handle! Please resolve this soon!

Unless, of course, you don't. I bet if we looked closely, this level of torture would be banned by international treaty.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing