Somehow you managed to put a great deal into one part!

When Clark left Lois, he flew to Star Labs. There he met with Dr. Bernard Klein, a new researcher who was helping Superman. He picked up eight of their supersonic Superman watches that he had previously arranged to have made. The Superman Foundation would reimburse Star Labs for them. He planned on giving one each to the task force members and his parents as added insurance in case one of them needed super help. For appearances sake, Clark would also get one.

Bernie! clap

Now this is really different! In the early days of the series Jimmy had a friend who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs and ran a few minor tests as a favor to him. As time went on they were making tests on various items for Lois and Clark in particular and the Daily Planet in general. Some of that testing had to have been rather expensive. How does the laboratory get paid? As far as I know, this is the first time anyone ever mentioned this little tidbit. So the question remains; how does The Daily Planet reimburse them?

At the farm, Lois also found herself learning more about Clark. Even more than when she was in Smallville the first time, she came to see new depth to his character. And she was falling more in love with him as she learned about how even as a child he would defend others, standing up to bullies older than he was. What surprised her most was discovering the loneliness he felt as a child. She always assumed he had an idyllic childhood, and in many ways it was. Because he was privately adopted, the children in town too often taunted him cruelly when he was little. Her respect for him and her shame at her own behavior towards him grew.

Excellent peek into Clark's childhood. It must have been painful listening to the other child taunt him about his adoption. But on the flip side, he could not bear to see others being bullied. Even at an early age he showed signs of being a hero in the truest sense. Nicely done.

Luthor sputtered, "I thought kryptonite is poisonous to you!"

As he turned Luthor over to the waiting policemen who promptly restrained and handcuffed Luthor, Superman deadpanned, "Apparently not."

Perfect exchange. The word will spread in the underworld that kryptonite is useless.

Satisfying end to a good story ... but

Why did Lex suddenly die in prison? Was it of natural causes or is the reason a more sinister one? Your epilogue did not go into any details.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.