I have the whole series on DVD. I think it's probably closer to "Lois and Clark" than any other version of Superman out there, so that might be why I like it so much.

Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[QB]So, my main complaint was WHO are these Kents? clap ) -- the little we see of her in the pilot -- is spot on Lois!
I thought she did a great job as Lois, too. There are a couple of good scenes of her coming up, but I won't say any more because I don't want to spoil it for you.

E2 (The Haunted Lighthouse) is 75% Jimmy Olsen, 25% Superman/Clark Kent. 0% Lois, 0% Perry. Not quite sure why this was picked as the second episode. It was kind of creepy in my opinion. I definitely missed Lois, especially with how they ended E1 with Clark explaining to Lois how he got the story before her, "Well, Lois, maybe I'm Superman." (or something of the sort)
There are quite a few episodes where Jimmy gets a lot of screentime. He was quite popular when the show was airing. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of episodes where Lois gets more screentime than him.

George Reeves (the little we see of him in these first two episodes) is good. Stoic, Kansas wholesome. Can't wait to actually see him as the star of the show instead of the five-ten minutes of screen time he has in E1 & E2.
He was definitely a really good Clark Kent/Superman. His portrayal was probably closer to Dean Cain's portrayal than anybody else that played Superman.