Hi Virginia,

I saw the entire series, compliments of Netflix, perhaps a year ago. I, too, enjoyed it.

The first season was designed to appeal to the entire family, but some of the shows are, IMHO, a bit too intense for very young children. (E2 being one example.) As the series wore on, the target audience seemed to switch to children; the show was still enjoyable, but it was more comic-booky (to coin a word).

The episodes often ended with Clark breaking the fourth wall by winking at the camera while saying something that the audience, but not the other characters, would fully understand.

I'd say that George Reeves' Clark Kent ties for second place with that of Bud Collyer (who voice him on radio). (Dean, of course, gets first place. I detested Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent, although his Superman is my favourite. He brought an alienness to the character that no other actor did. Part of it, I am sure, was the writing, but part was the acting.)

Anyway, you have some fun TV viewing ahead. Enjoy. smile
