5) Voices Of Hope - by David Feintuch
My least favorite of this series, it's almost not even worth reading. Set decades after Fisherman's Hope and told through the eyes of street children and Seafort's own strange son, it's very hard to follow and suffers in that it veers away from Seafort's character--the reason I read these books.

6) Patriarch's Hope - by David Feintuch
This one goes back to the style of the first books, told through Seafort's eyes now that he's become leader of the United Nations and faces the treason of his beloved Navy. As good as the first ones with a great love story for a change!

7) Children Of Hope - by David Feintuch
This one is told through the eyes of a child too, but it's much better done, showing how Seafort inspires everyone who meets him. It also brings back the enemies from the first books with a decidedly intriguing twist!

8) Quatrain - by Sharon Shinn
Wow. That's my first response to this book. Sharon Shinn is definitely in my top three favorite authors, and these four novellas set each in a different one of her worlds illustrates why. Her descriptiveness and emotive power just blows me away. These were excellently done, bringing her beloved worlds to mind without ruining their impact, and each containing a story that stands on its own. Amazing!

9) Talk To The Hand - by Lynne Truss
This is a hilarious book, as funny as her first one, that details the decline of manners and politeness. So funny I was seriously wiping away tears for about half the book.