Ok I have a little bit of wisdom on this subject. I found out long ago and know it for sure with age that we have many best friends throughout our lives.
My husband is one of my best friends, but so is my Mom, my 2 sister in laws, my brothers, my neice, my son and the 3 girlfriends I have remained friends with since 13 years of age. I had a best friend that at one point got upset with me because I used to say my best friends, Mary, Eileen and Patty. she thought that since I was what she thought was her only best friend, that I should refer to her and only her that way. I found a poem at one point on the net that explained that women have many people in their lives that touch them deeply and become "best friends". She wrote back that she finally understood the message. There does not have to be only one because there are many different lives to share, confide, laugh, cry and be yourself with. I have friends through my work, my teaching, my art that I share that aspect of myself with. I have my family who I have lived through tragedy and glory with. I have a husband and lover who I share the everyday stuff of life with and I have friends I grew up with and still grow up with. I have a unique relationship with all of them. My Mom is top of the list and yet my little 3 year old I love even more if that is possible. My husband and I are together 24 yrs all together but my family has been there with me my whole life. My 3 girlfriends are still my best friends and each has shared a different relationship with me. One is a serious emotional deeply spiritual soul traveler who goes through very similar Aha moments and spiritual growth with me. One is a light and humorous sort who has laughed with me until I have cried. The other is more like my sister and I see her all the time and she also watches my son and helps me in ways that I could never repay. I have cousins that I love so deeply and Aunts and Uncles and guy friends and girlfriends and children in my life. I am surrounded by love and consider myself so fortunate to have all these wonderful people on this journey with me. I have people who have passed on that I loved just as deeply and who have affected my life in ways I can never explain in this short bit. I miss them and love them still, my Dad, my cousins who died young. they all have enriched my life. There are times I am closer to some then others, there are times when those I am close to move on, wither through life cicumstances or death. But, I love them all. How can you choose? How do you say my husband is my best friend and not say it about your mom, your dad, your sister, your closest girlfriends. They are all important to me and I would not trade one moment away with any of them. There is no need to pick between two people you love, nor four or 8 or 100. Just enjoy each relationship for what it is in your life and realize that you are blessed to have them. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"