This is just my opinion, but I absolutely believe that your significant other should be your best friend. My fiance (I'm getting married two months from today) is certainly my best friend. We have faced (both individually and together) a lot of obstacles (deaths in the family, unemployment, depression, etc.) over the years we have been together, and we both needed each other during those times to help the other one through. If I didn't have him, I can't even imagine how I would have coped.

That isn't to say that you shouldn't have other best friends also, though. I have a few really good friends, but my best girl friend is also one of the most important people in my life. We've also helped each other through difficult times, and there are some things that I just feel I can only talk to her about. As much as I love my fiance, sometimes I know that I just need that other friend. After all, I can't always complain about my fiance to him smile My relationship with my girl friend is important to me, just in a different way.

I realize that my other friendships can fade over time due to many reasons. But my relationship with my fiance should never fade. Change, yes. Diminish? No. He will always be my number one. He's the one I come home to every day. He's the one who sees me laugh or cry, he hears my frustrations, he shares my joy, and he feels my pain. He sees me at six o'clock in the morning with bed-hair, no make-up, and morning breath, and still loves me anyway. He is without a doubt my best friend. I couldn't even imagine marrying someone that wasn't my best friend. If you're not friends, what's the point? Passion will fade, but love should always grow. After all the years that you go through together, if you don't have friendship, what is there?