I agree with you two. Although I'm not married yet, I will be next year. Back in high school my now fiance had a crush on me, but I didn't allow myself to be interested. He still wormed his way in and we became best friends. It wasn't until then that I agreed to be his girlfriend. It's been over five years and I can't imagine being more comfortable with someone (of either sex) and sharing every single thought that pops into my head. We have our other friends, really good friends, but at the end of the day we're happy to be with each other.

Although I think it would be sad to not have a "best friends" kind of relationship with your spouse, I can sort of understand if people do have that kind of separation. Everyone is different and to say that your spouse must be your best friend if you want a happy marriage is pretty crazy. But maybe the divorce rate wouldn't be so high if people adopted this kind of thinking. wink


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?