Bizarro--If it's any help, I was in the same type of relationship. One day, I realised that he was in no way my friend, let alone my best friend. It was a horrible realisation. If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to pm me. I've been there.

I am now one hundred percent certain that the man I marry needs to be my best friend. Yes, other friends are necessary and good, but he needs to be the FIRST person I want to share things with, and I need to know that he will be as excited to see me happy as I am to be that way (and vs). The only good relationships I've seen are ones where there are two people who are partners and friends, sharing things. Of course the levels of friendship will vary, but if you're not friends at all, what on earth keeps you together when you're too old to DO anything anymore?


Swoosh --->