I'm sorry that you've been feeling bad, Carol, and I'm glad that you are better.

I think it is important to be really good friends with you spouse. Interestingly, I read something - probably in New York Times a few years ago - which claimed that people in the United States tend to have fewer friends now than they used to. That could be because more people work today than, say, fifty or even thirty years ago, and many people also work longer hours. There is less time for friends in your spare time, because there is less spare time in the first place.

If it is true that people have less spare time and generally less time for friends outside the family now than before, then clearly the family becomes more important. Then it also becomes more important to be able to discuss all kinds of problems and situations with your spouse and to be able to rely on him or her for emotional support.

Generally speaking, I think it is going to be hard to hold on to a marriage if you are not good friends with your spouse.
