How did I become Olympe? It's a long story.

It all began with me signing on for a German online game called 'Stadtvater' (city father). It's a game involving tactical stuff, and I wanted to use a name that sounded more male than female. My then favourite books were from the Harry Potter series - back in early 2003, there were only four books out. I decided to play an evil character on this game, so I chose a name from the book that could be taken as a hint: Marvolo. Yeah, the middle name of Lord Voldemort - at least in English (in German it's 'Vorlost'). Since it's a German game, I thought that not too many people would get the hint. *g*

Well, I liked this game and joined an alliance called 'Ars Magica'. Soon, a Mr. Stadtvaterland contest was held, and somehow I ended up participating. Not that I ever signed for it, mind you. I even got the second place. (Most people agreed that I would have won if one of the three gals from the jury hadn't made sure that her real-life boyfriend won. What could I say? I told everyone that the best *man* had won! lol )

Of course, this left me with a dilemma, for I intended to one day go meet other players. So, what is a girl to do? I left the character 'Marvolo' for my thence boyfriend and started anew. Once again, I chose a name from the same source, a name that, up to then, had been mentioned only once: Olympe, after the headmistress of Beauxbatons, Olympe Maxime. (I'm a sucker for French names...)

Anyway, I've been using Olympe ever since. If I can't get it (like on yahoo!), I use a combination of Olympe and my real name, Melanie: Melympe.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)