Mrs.Mosley (or whoever you are! I assume the Elisabeth part is still real, right?)
Yes, my name really is Elisabeth, complete with the S. I promise. laugh

I LOVE your sig and the book it comes from. The Code Of The Woosters, right? My first Jeeves book and the first time I laughed so hard for so long I actually got scared I wouldn’t be able to stop.
Eulalie and the eighteenth-century cow-creamer!
I love Wodehouse in general and Bertie and Jeeves in particular, but I've read so many of them that I can't recall which book this story is in. blush I actually nicked this particular quote from the TV series, but I think it's very similar to the one in the book.

Lisa - who is also feeling rather stunned that Sue is not Sue. I knew Caroline wasn't Caroline, but... Sue?! *lower lip tembles*

*reaches for security blanket, needing something stable in light of this news*

lisa in the sky with diamonds