jojo_da_crow: Okay, so over the years I have had a ton of nicknames. In college however I was a member of the Student Activities Council. We planned fun events and shows for the campus. I had a ton of friends in SAC and one day one of the guys decided that I needed a nickname. He figured that Jenn and JJ were just way to boring. My last name is Johnson so I guess at some point he decided on Jojo as the nick name. The next day, we were working on a homecoming project. The theme for homecoming was "Back to the Future" and so one of the projects we did was a "time delorium" made out cardboard, chicken wire, and tissue paper. It ended up looking awesome... but the night before it was supposed to be done we still needed to spray paint it. This ended up being a problem because it was raining outside. So being the bright college students we were... we dragged one of the big fans from the gym and spray painted inside a room. The room had a door that went to the outside and so we had the fan pointed outwards to draw the air out of the room... we probably should have faced it inwards to blow fresh air in... but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway.

So, at this point we all get high off fumes. Everything became super funny and one of the guys in the group made a comment that sent me into a major fit of the giggles. I have only had giggles like this about 3-4 times in my life. I can't stop laughing and I laugh as hard as I can. I once did this in college to a boy in one of the labs I was in who was just an idiot. I started laughing at him and could't stop. I had to leave the room twice and it took me about 15 minutes to calm myself down... This is how bad the giggles are.

Anyway, so I start laughing and everyone in the room starts to laugh at me now. Because apparently my laugh sounds a lot like a crow going "Caaaw Caaaw" and so it was decided from that day forward that my nick name would be Jojo da Crow. I would even have people get my attention in the hallway by making crow sounds at me. LOL very fun. I still have a ton of people refer to me as Jojo in real life. ^_^

There is also more to my nick name than Jojo da Crow. The full nick name is Jojo da Crow Spandango Know Potato. But that is a story best left for another day. LOL

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!