I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in another thread but when I checked the link that Labby provided I didn't see my story there. Maybe it was wiped out by that myterious crash that Wendy mentioned in the opening post.

It's really not much of a story. When I first discovered the archives it was before I had my own computer. I saw someone else with my name had written a couple of stories. So I didn't want there to be any confusion between him and I if/when I wrote something so I had to use something other than my own name.

My involvement with the message boards and subsequent fic writing came at about the same time as my first home computer. When setting up my email address I wanted something that people who knew me would remember, but not use my own name (which was being used for my, then, work account). So I picked my old college nick name of Tank. My friends have known me by this nick for many, many, (many) years so it would be easy for them to remember. So my email address became TankW1.

When I decided to dive into the fic writing pool it was natural to use Tank as my username. It would be different enough to not be confused with someone else, and I wouldn't have to worry about that other guy's stories being confused with mine.

Even though most of my friends now days don't actually use Tank any more, my best friend's dad still calls me Tank. I've also decided to not only use Tank Wilson as my nom de plume, but I have also exported the name into my musical works. You know, so I don't get confused with that other guy... the one from the beaches of California... the one who's written a 'few' multi-million selling smash hits in his day.

Tank (who finds it amusing that even though she knows my real name, Wendy refused to call me anything but Tank when we met a couple of years back)

P.S. A few years after college I found out that Tank had been my paternal grandfather's nick name