Anyways I have decided to explain my usual nickname and come clean.

My usual nickname is nothing special : Lady Kiadri or in certain cases just Kiadri.

Lady because I did online rolepaying at some point and Kiadri was a name I made up out of thin air and I liked it so much I have kept it. Especially since it has no relation to anything to do with me or my real identity (ie: not a derivation of my name or the name of a character or a nickname) but i have used it so much online now that if you run a google search for it, you will find my real name.

I love my real name too - so one day I am going to name a daughter (if I have one) Kiadri Marisa. It would be Kia Maria but then she would sound too much like an alcoholic beverage.

Little Tornado = being cute and demanding and wanting my own way and being completely overwhelming = Lois Lane. Though I do take offense to the fact that she cannot cook - there are women who are career driven who can cook too - they can do both things and still manage to mess up their lives the way she does. Grrr....

Shutting up now...

The Little Tornado.

The Little Tornado is ....

Marisa Wikramanayake
Freelance Writer & Editor,
Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA