I love this thread!!! very interesting smile

I thought up my username when I joined a different site.

I had a red betta fish at the time named Fin. His tank sat next to the desk where I wrote.

As I would write, he would watch me from the tank. He didn't swim around...just hung out on the one side of the tank, like he was reading over my shoulder. He sort of became my muse laugh

I usually would end up writing him into my story somehow.

I also was/still am, a huge fan of the martial artist Jet Li.

So when I was trying to come up with a username I put Fin's name together with Jet's last name.

Hence: FinLi

A lot of people end up asking me if I'm Chinese laugh

Clark: "Can I have a rat chief? Can I, huh? Please?"

Perry: "Clark, do you want me to send you to the dark room?"

Clark: "The dark room?"