This is fun. I didn't realize the member status feature changed! OOOh I wonder what I am. I'll find out in a few seconds.

SuperRoo...Well Roo is my nickname, however it was suppose to be my real name and I ended up with Ruth instead. I'm very attached to Roo. I added Super just because I wanted something Supermanish.

Not very creative.

Also, when I signed up I sat with my mouth open having NO clue what to put. I wanted think of something quick and not change it later. I tried to change it once (try and be more creative), but that only lasted a little while.

Lately I've been tempted to change it again because it has Roo in it. Some of my co-workers and friends now know I like LnC and if they see 'SuperRoo' they'll know it's me. Then again, one of my friends thought I was RAC so it may not be as obvious as I thought it was. Those are my initals until I got married (add a B at the end). However, I am what I am so I shouldn't be shy of my presence here. Well anyways, that's my story du jour .

[edit - Top Banana? My hubbie says monkey related things follow me everywhere. He's convinced I was a monkey in another life. This is just another thing to proove it. I've been jumping from thread to thread and I can't find Top Banana listed. Perhaps there is more recent one I'm to search! I enjoy searching. Very Jimmy-ish.]

[edit #2 - ok I found it. HAHA. I like the changes.]

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.