I guess I can answer this (I also want to increase my post count laugh ).

My "nick" has no mystery, I guess. It's just the first letters of my first and middle names. smile I guess it's actually a very common nickname for people who have the same first and middle names as me. In real life nobody ever uses that nickname (they just use either my first or my middle name), but I haven't seen anybody use anything close to it so far in the boards, and we already have a Maria on the boards. wink

My original user name is actually a mixture of my last initial and my middle name, which I got way back in 1995 during a summer internship in high school.

Off topic, the Internet had barely started back then, and I actually used gopher in UNIX to read some news from my home country, Brazil (has anybody around here ever used that? - in college, during a Computer Network lecture, the professor asked how many students have ever used it, and I was the only one blush ). I also used "talk" to write to my father while he was at work.

malu wave