Lois and Clark is the only TV show I can call myself obsessed with. There are other shows I really like, of course, but none I even feel like I have to catch every time they're on.

Some of my favorites:
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
Mad TV (the older ones)
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Ghost Hunters

I'm with you on Good Eats, Anna. Alton Brown is great!

Krissie, I had totally forgotten about Due South. I loved that show! Though I mostly got into it because of my Brendan Fraser obsession, not that he really has anything to do with the show, but there were enough similarities to attract me (you know, Benton Fraser/Brendan Fraser, Dudley Do-Right/mountie), but it's not what kept me watching, it was just a great show.

I'm sure I'm probably missing things, but oh well, that's the bulk of it.


"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller