Oooh, this is so much fun! All your posts bring back such fun memories! And the funny thing is, I never would have classified myself as someone who watched a ton of TV. I guess I'm just very easily obsessed...

Okay, my current DVD buying addictions:

Stargate SG-1. Yes, I've heard all sorts of rumors of how it's nowhere near as good in Season 9 and 10. But shh!! I'm still on season 7! I used to catch bits and pieces of it on the sci-fi channel, both new and reruns, but never got hooked. Then I got hooked (through fanfic, how else? angel-devil ) and decided I had to have them. Found some great sales, told my parents: This is what I want for my birthday/Christmas. I have bought them because the price was great. Wanna buy them off me to give to me? And since then, my dad has gotten as hooked as I am -- or maybe even more! So we're working our way through the whole series as a family. <happy sigh>

Remington Steele What can I say? I love secret identities and 'forbidden' romance.

MacGyver Need I elaborate? Yes, looking back, it has its cheese. But, oh, what wonderful cheese!

Pretender Had more potential than was actually executed, first season was clearly the best, but it was a good show.

Quantum Leap Used to watch it with my family. Now I want the dvds.

The Sentinel Actually, I have yet to see an ep (except half of one dubbed in French when I was over there), but I've gotten hooked on the characters through fanfic and so got the first season on DVD for Christmas. I'm almost afraid to watch it -- will it live up to the fanfic?

Star Trek The Next Generation is best, the Original Series has its worth as the start, don't even get me started on DS9, and Voyager had its moments. (Enterprise? What Enterprise? That wasn't Star Trek. That was an imposter semi-cool sci-fi show masquerading under the title of Star Trek.) I don't have the seasons on DVD (as someone metioned: EXPENSIVE!), but I do have all 10 movies on DVD. Boxed set. smile

The A-Team In December, when my mom was really sick, that was the only thing she could watch besides cooking and sports -- yes, it had a plot, but not really. <g> Gotta love how they blow things up, every time, and yet nobody ever dies. Murdock is my absolute favorite.

Dharma and Greg Silly, I know, but I adore their banter, their parents, their complete oppositeness and how they fit so well together. However, if I had to live with Dharma in real life...I'd go insane. So I just enjoy her craziness on TV.

Monk When it started, I hated it. Now I adore it.

Psych Just like Dharma, if I had to live with Shawn in real life, I'd probably go nuts. Or kill him. Or go nuts and then kill him. But on the show, he's fun and funny. And it's right after Monk and they show just enough fun tidbits in the commercials that I have to watch to find out what they're all about! :p

Really wanting to go watch some TV now,

I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.