I thought that'd be Enterprise. I like Voyager, too.
Yes, you're right - I'd completely forgotten about Enterprise coming along. (Mercifully, I think). Up till Enterprise, Voyager was the least popular Trek franchise, but I'm dang sure Enterprise overtook it.

What is Columbo?
An iconic, classic US show from the '60's and endlessly rerun ever since (also new episodes were made much later in 2000 or so) in which a outwardly shambolic, rambling, untidy detective outwits the villains with his shrewdness.

Invariably, the villains start out thinking he's dumb as a post and are enormously patronising to him and then gradually start to realise they're in big trouble as he's smarter than he looks and the only one on to their murdering schemes.

Famous for walking out of the door after questioning his suspects and turning back at the last minute with, "Oh, sir, just one more question...?" That one more question usually being the one that lets the villain know he's not as dumb as he appears and gets to the heart of his plot. laugh

It was a huge hit in the US and worldwide.


LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers