I miss cable. I used to watch way more trash tv before my move to California. Every time I go east it becomes impossible for me to leave the couch. It's really ridiculous considering the shows that I'm sucked into are like Top Chef and various Comedy Central shows (my all time favorite channel). Sick, I know. Since I don't have cable what I watch is:

-House (oh god I love House)
-The Office
-Studio 60
-30 Rock

Hmm. I guess I like irreverent humor.

Oh, and I heard that Verliebt in Berlin is the German adaptation of the Colombian telenovela Betty la Fea. I've never seen the German version and I understand it must be different, but the original soap is fabulous. Possibly the best telenovela out there. That's why I'm kind of hostile on the super safe American version.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan