Well lets see. What do I like to watch besides ''Lois & Clark''?
- McLeod's Daughters
- Desperate Houswives ( Teri Hatcher's fault wink )
- FRIENDS ( even if it's not on the air anymore :p this and LnC are the anly 2 shows I own on dvd :p )
- Medium
- Lost (that's actually my parent's fault wink )
- CSI (all of them I think)
- Cold Case
- Close to Home
- and since a couple of weeks I have been watching Las Vegas ( that's Dean Cain's fault wink :p )
And I think that was it :p It's not that I would stay home for everyone of them (maybe just the first 2 :p ) but I do watch them!!
ooh I olmost forgot I do watch Bones now and then wink

"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet