Hmm, let's see. In no particular order (or maybe it's weekday order?):

  • Heroes
  • Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (if it survives)
  • The Class
  • House
  • Lost
  • Jericho
  • CSI
  • Stargate SG-1
  • Stargate Atlantis
  • Doctor Who

To a lesser extent, lately, Desperate Housewives. Certain plotlines (oddly, the ones with Susan) make me cringe and want to change the channel.

I've also been watching American Idol, and just started watching the BBC's Robin Hood. We'll see if that keeps my interest. laugh Also Dresden Files has been recorded, but I don't rush to the DVR to watch it.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited