This thread has been really interesting! Thanks, Kae, for starting it. Now let's see, my TV habits...

For a while, the only TV show I really watched obsessively was Lois & Clark. Nothing else really captured my imagination or my interest the way L&C did. I spent time daydreaming (mostly through some of my more boring college classes) different scenarios for Lois and Clark to get into (hence my intro into fanfic [g]). I used to watch Friends all the time – and I still catch the reruns when I’m home in the evening – but I was never completely taken by it. Back in the day, I really liked the early seasons of The Practice, enjoyed The Nanny through its run, and liked to stay in touch with Mad About You. However, the TV show that had me ridiculously, to-the-point-of-strange-looks obsessed was always L&C.

Well, something has snuck up on me... a TV obsession that I didn’t even know I had until recently. I’ve seen the show mentioned in this thread, and my heart jumped a little each time – that’s how bad it’s getting. I think it’s official, people: I’m a total Law & Order: SVU addict.

It’s always been a show I liked – catching it here and there, always thinking, ‘hey, I should make more of a point to watch that show.’ But with the end of last season (S7), I was hooked. Olivia and Elliot are my new Lois and Clark. What is it with me and partners who become best friends? Their interaction is awesome, though the dynamic of their situation is definitely different than L&C’s. There might be some fanfic in the future there, though I've never written fic for any other show, so I'm a little scared.

And I have to say, I am enthralled by Mariska Hargitay (Det. Olivia Benson) – she’s a phenomenal actress, and she’s unbelievably *gorgeous*, even in her streetwise detective outfits. Half of me is insanely jealous she can look that good in a ponytail and hooded grey sweatshirt, and the other half of me insanely admires her for being able to pull that off [g].

Other shows I’m watching now:

Desperate Housewives: I still love Teri as an actress – Susan is my favorite character, and I’m loving the Ian/Susan/Mike triangle that’s going on this season. Carlos and Gabby have great chemistry together, too.

Grey’s Anatomy: I’m so proud of myself because I “discovered” this show; i.e. I was the one watching it when the first episodes aired, and all my friends were like, ‘another medical drama... whatever. It’s ER: the next generation.’ I loved it, and I kept telling them to watch... now they are hooked, too! I’ve been a Mere/Der diehard since the start. I think Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey are perfect together!

American Idol: yes, some cheesy reality TV. I’ve never tried to deny it [g].

Brothers & Sisters: Kitty and the Senator... love them together. Rob Lowe is adorable, and completely steals every scene he's in.

How I Met Your Mother: comedy-wise, it’s all about this show. I think it’s the most hilarious sitcom on television.

Hmm, do I watch too much TV? Quite possibly. But I'm in good company, right guys? [g]

Tracey smile