Hey people, I'm sorry. I've been away from my computer all day - I just recently got back to it and found an email from Kathy B. saying that she had tried several lines from the scene that I posted in the Google search and nothing worked.

Well, so now I've tested it too. And nothing works for me either, and I haven't a clue why! It's in the Archives - Raconteur's wonderful "Burden of Conscience".

So I thought I would choose an alternative scene to post, but that I would test-google it first. And the next story I tried...it didn't work either! Something very weird is going on here... But third time's the charm, if you would like to try this one:

Giving in to the intense desire to kiss her, to show her rather than tell her how he felt about her, he slowly lowered his head to hers, closed his eyes in anticipation, and touched his lips lightly to hers.

Suddenly the world around him seemed to disappear as they became one in the moment, and all that mattered to him was the feel of the woman in his arms, suddenly yielding, open, and most surprisingly, responsive. When the initial shock of what was happening wore off, Clark found her kiss heady, inviting, intoxicating. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, and he knew in that instant, it wasn't enough. He wanted more.

Tightening his arms around her, he pulled her even closer and let his instincts take over. Softening his lips against hers, he let them play over hers, nibbling, tasting, caressing. He couldn't get enough of the feel of her lips on his, gentle, supple and firm. As their kiss deepened, he heard her quick intake of breath, as if she was surprised by the intensity of the moment. He half expected her to pull away from him, but she surprised him by letting her body melt against him, yielding to his every touch. She moaned into his mouth, and his heart rate quickly doubled. Spurred on by her little sounds of pleasure, his tongue found its way between her parted lips and began to explore the tiny crevices of her mouth, before finally entwining his tongue with her own.

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5