This is from Labrat's "Sugar and Spice," one of my favorites.

Here's another one:

It still took him a moment to meet her eyes. She realized that his eyes were moist - as if he were on the verge of tears. Her heart went out to him. Without thinking it through, she did the only thing that came to mind. She leaned over and lightly kissed him.

She pulled back almost immediately, only to find that his hand had slipped from hers so that he could wrap both arms around her. He began pulling her back to him. This time, his lips found hers. Why didn't she push him away? In retrospect, she'd come up with a hundred different reasons, including that she was just so surprised. However, she already knew that Clark was a great kisser. He'd kissed her for the first time just before Trask had thrown her out of an airplane and then during a stakeout at the honeymoon suite at the Lexor hotel. She'd kissed Superman on a couple of occasions as well.

So, when his lips lightly brushed over hers, she found herself involuntarily responding. It was less than a second before his lips once more caressed hers - as gently as the first time. However, this time, he lingered before his lips pushed gently against hers, his tongue lightly touching her lips.

The surrender was almost unconscious when she opened her mouth and found his tongue with hers. She knew his taste from their previous kisses - but never imagined how powerfully it would affect her now. Maybe, without her knowing it, her feelings for Clark had changed over the last few months. Whatever the reason, two kisses turned into three followed by four and five. Each kiss seemed to last longer and be a little more intimate than the one before. Soon both had lost count - becoming completely lost to the activity.

Without abandoning his lips, Lois adjusted her position, slipping her arms around his neck. When he reclined on the couch, she followed him over until she was lying against his chest. Suddenly it occurred to Lois what she was doing. She tried pulling away only to catch sight of his kiss-swollen lips and the dreamy look in his eyes. She groaned. Unable to stop herself, she lowered herself against him to once again find his lips.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin