I managed to find some paper and spent a number of hours writing in longhand, because I was in that wonderful/terrible state where I have to write or explode. Then I had to type it all in when I got back, and that was extremely tedious and annoying.
I babysat the other night and the kids went to bed at 9p.m. and their parents didn't home until nearly 1 a.m. I was stuck in a hotel room and trying to be quiet so the kids could sleep, so I figured it was prime time for writing. I wrote solidly the entire time and came back with pages and pages. Unfortunately, I still haven't got it all typed up yet, and I'm ready to tear my hair out. Never again. I write longhand all the time when I just want to write something brief - a snippet of dialogue, one quick scene - but I'll never write out this much longhand ever again. Maybe I can convince someone to get me Palm Pilot for my birthday.... smile

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen