I still write using a mixture of paper and computer. Paper is good because my laptop often is on the fritz, and it's really heavy so I don't want to carry it around with me. With paper I can scribble down an idea out of order or in order, write between the lines if I come up with something in a part I'd already written, scratch out something I decided I didn't like, but still have it there in case I decide I need it after all...

At the same time, the computer is good because you get an instant spellchecker and grammar checker, and it's by far neater than my chicken scratches, and you can print something off to read over later...

I kind of like my system, even if it's not perfect smile

Melisma (slinking back under her Rock to look at all her WIP printoffs to see if they will give her any inspiration...)

EDIT: Rivka, what breed of PalmPilot do you have? My work colleague's mother just showed me hers, which doesn't have a chip option, and it's a Palm III something or other. So naturally I'd want a breed that had one...


Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda