Originally posted by Anne Spear:
Originally posted by Shadow:
[b] my folks think serial killers hang out online, so I have to write in secret.

When I read this, I took it to mean your parents are worried that you will become a serial killer because you spend so much time online... :rolleyes: [/b]
Meanwhile, I don't even think they can grasp how much time I spend online.

And now attempting to stick to the topic, I used to always write fanfic in notebooks and then pick out what I liked to actually type up, but I got sick of writing the same thing twice. It does have its disadvantages. I lost 4 chapters of a Harry Potter fanfic a year or two ago when one of my disks stopped working. Never tried writing it again...just wasn't the same, and it's not like I can remember 30+pages off the top of my head.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy