Originally posted by Shadow:
Also, my folks think serial killers hang out online, so I have to write in secret... :rolleyes:
Shadow, I hear you there. My parents were really nervous about my online stuff for a while, until I started getting together with online friends in RL - I made sure that whenever I could, at least at first, they met my friends. Now they are not happy with how much time I spend online, but they aren't as worried about me meeting a serial killer...

Actually, I have to tell you this story, although it's likely going to embarrass the heck out of one of our FoLCs - sorry hon, I won't mention your name...

A couple years ago I met this one FoLC in real life, and got to be very good friends with her and her family, as they lived very near to me at the time. (Her parents treated me like one of their kids, too.) Well, I went through a period of time where I had *very* bad financial troubles, and my landlord finally got tired of me getting behind with the rent, and evicted me. And I had very little time to get out of my apartment. It was my FoLC friend's parents who helped me move out, and indeed, it was thanks to them that I found a temporary place to live so that I didn't have to sleep on the streets. Thanks, you guys!

So yes, I echo Pam's statement that FoLCs are terrific people. Shadow, have you met any of us in RL? If so, introduce them to your parents if you can - let them see that online people are ordinary, decent people, and let them make up their minds for themselves...

(I did this a month or two before I left for a friend in another fandom, BTW. She was in her early teens, and her mother was nervous about us getting together, so I suggested that when we met the first time, her mother and my mother be there... Seemed to go pretty well...)

Melisma (shutting up for now, here under her Rock)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda