Besides, am I the only one who, after years of using typewriters and pcs, is now completely unable to write more than two paragraphs before getting writer's cramp?
Interestingly it wasn't writer's cramp that I had to overcome to be able to jot down notes or dialogue or even scenes on paper -- it was my own self-consciousness. For whatever reason, whenever I would try to write fanfic long-hand (say, when I was on vacation without a computer) I would find it extremely difficult to get lost in what I was writing and just let it flow. Even if no one was around, I felt as if someone was looking over my shoulder. But I finally just had to work through it, starting with notes and snippets of dialogue, then eventually full scenes. It didn't take long to get used to it, and now I won't go on vacation without my notepad. It's definitely harder than the computer, but it's better than losing that perfect scene when you are away from home. smile
