While reading the BBC news website I came across this:

Electronic paper is getting almost as thin as the old-fashioned sort.

The pioneers of digital paper and ink have unveiled a flexible prototype display that is a mere .03mm thick.

Massachusetts-based E Ink said the development of the ultra-thin display should greatly increase the potential uses of its technology.

The company speculates that the development could help drive the creation of computer screens that can be built into clothes.

Now, how seriously cool would it be to be able to write your story wherever you were, when the Muse strikes, simply by writing it on your sleeve? goofy

When I remember all those times I would be writing stories in my head on the bus ride home from work, then have to race up the hill and dive up to the pc, hoping fretfully that I'd remember it all by the time it booted...and how much material I lost because it didn't! grumble ...how I could have used this then!

LabRat (who still wants one of those typewriters of Stephen King's that writes the story out of your head while you sleep...but this will do nicely till they invent one of those. laugh )

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers